Three Musketeers Development Painting - ID: octmusketeers18291

Three Musketeers Development Painting - ID: octmusketeers18291 Walt Disney


Art Type:


Image Size: 
9.75" x 27"
Price: $2,500.00
SKU: octmusketeers18291

An original "color beat" concept painting from the Disney Studios animated film, "The Three Musketeers" (1993). Featuring the laundry wash room, the hand-painted watercolor was created at the studio and used during the animation process. The painting was created and signed by legendary animator Toby Bluth and really exemplifies his incredible talents. Toby was particularly adept at creating an image that told a full story with great character design and background layouts. His talents were so well respected that the Disney Studios art program would utilize him to create fantastic imagery for their limited edition sericels. A color beat like this would be used during production so the director could create a standard color palette for each scene in the film. Measuring 12.25"x28.5" overall, with the image itself measuring 9.75"x27", the piece is very good condition with minor edge wear and pinholes in the corners from studio use. A production sticker on the lower left corner denotes the studio use of the piece.

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